• Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024

World of Warcraft: Likely to get a Sixth Dragon Aspect?

The upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Dragonflight, has sparked speculation that the game might be getting a sixth Dragon Aspect. This is based on a number of clues, including a mural in the game’s alpha that depicts four known Dragon Aspects and a fifth, unknown one.

Additionally, the Mother Oathstone, a powerful artifact, has a sixth slot for a gem, which some fans believe is meant for the new Aspect.

The five known Dragon Aspects are Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, Ysera the Dreamer, Nozdormu the Timeless One, Kalecgos the Master of the Nexus, and Wrathion the Black Prince. Each Aspect has been granted a specific power by the Titans, such as the ability to control life, protect the Emerald Dream, or see into the future.

The identity of the potential sixth Dragon Aspect is unknown, but there are a few theories. Some fans believe that it could be a new character, while others believe that it could be an existing character who has not yet been revealed as an Aspect.

One possibility is that the sixth Aspect could be a Storm Dragon, as there is a mural in the game’s alpha that depicts a Storm Dragon alongside the other four Aspects.

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Another possibility is that the sixth Aspect could be a character who is already known to players. For example, some fans believe that it could be Thrall, the former Warchief of the Horde. Thrall has a strong connection to dragons, and he has even been known to shapeshift into a dragon himself.

Whatever the case may be, the speculation about a sixth Dragon Aspect is just one of the many things that fans are excited about for Dragonflight.

The expansion promises to be a major shake-up for the game, and it will be interesting to see if Blizzard does indeed introduce a new Dragon Aspect.

In the meantime, players can continue to speculate about the identity of the sixth Aspect and what powers they might have. The possibilities are endless, and it will be exciting to see what Blizzard ultimately reveals.

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