• Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

Baldur’s Gate 3: Sorcerer Subclasses Explained. More to come.

Sorcerers are a powerful class in Baldur’s Gate 3, but their subclasses can make a big difference in their effectiveness. Each subclass offers its own unique set of abilities, so it’s important to choose one that fits your playstyle.

Draconic Bloodline:

The Draconic Bloodline sorcerer is a descendant of a dragon, and their magic is fueled by their draconic ancestry. They gain a number of benefits from this, including resistance to a damage type, a breath weapon, and increased armor class.

  • Draconic Ancestry: The Draconic Bloodline sorcerer chooses a draconic ancestry, which grants them a number of benefits. They gain resistance to a damage type, a breath weapon, and increased armor class.
  • Draconic Resilience: At 1st level, the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer gains Draconic Resilience. This feature gives them 1 additional hit point per level and increases their armor class by 1 when they are not wearing armor.
  • Elemental Affinity: At 6th level, the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer gains Elemental Affinity. This feature allows them to choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. When they cast a spell of that damage type, they add their Charisma modifier to the damage roll.
  • Draconic Presence: At 14th level, the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer gains Draconic Presence. This feature allows them to frighten or charm creatures of a specific size or smaller.
  • Dragon’s Breath: At 18th level, the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer gains Dragon’s Breath. This feature allows them to breathe a stream of elemental energy at their enemies.

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Storm Sorcery:

The Storm Sorcery sorcerer is a master of the elements, and they can call upon the power of the storm to fuel their magic. They can create powerful winds, lightning, and rain, and they are also resistant to lightning damage.

  • Storm Soul: The Storm Sorcery sorcerer gains Storm Soul at 1st level. This feature gives them a number of benefits, including resistance to lightning damage, the ability to move through air and water without being slowed by them, and the ability to create a gust of wind.
  • Tempestuous Magic: At 6th level, the Storm Sorcery sorcerer gains Tempestuous Magic. This feature allows them to teleport short distances when they cast a spell or when they are hit by an attack.
  • Call Lightning: At 14th level, the Storm Sorcery sorcerer gains Call Lightning. This spell allows them to summon a bolt of lightning from the sky.
  • Storm’s Fury: At 18th level, the Storm Sorcery sorcerer gains Storm’s Fury. This feature allows them to deal lightning damage to creatures that attack them.

Wild Magic:

The Wild Magic sorcerer is a unpredictable and chaotic force, and their magic is just as wild. They can cast spells in unpredictable ways, and they may even trigger wild magic surges, which can have both positive and negative effects.

  • Wild Magic Surge: The Wild Magic sorcerer gains Wild Magic Surge at 1st level. This feature allows them to roll a d20 when they cast a spell. If they roll a 1, they trigger a wild magic surge, which can have both positive and negative effects.
  • Bend Luck: At 6th level, the Wild Magic sorcerer gains Bend Luck. This feature allows them to reroll a d20 roll.
  • Tides of Chaos: At 14th level, the Wild Magic sorcerer gains Tides of Chaos. This feature allows them to reset their Wild Magic Surge table and gain advantage on one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
  • Font of Magic: At 18th level, the Wild Magic sorcerer gains Font of Magic. This feature allows them to create sorcery points by rolling a d6 and adding their Charisma modifier.

These are just a few of the abilities that each Sorcerer subclass can choose from. The specific abilities that are available may vary depending on the subclass and the level of the sorcerer.

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